How can you get the best possible sound from your TV without adding additional speakers?
Make sure dbx-tv “Total” Audio Processing is in the TV!
Television is the heart of home entertainment today, with the potential for an enthralling, compelling experience that captivates everyone in the household. But, while TV pictures deliver on this potential, the sound often does not. Without external amplifiers and speakers, the sound quality of many TV sets falls far short of the display.
dbx-tv®’s suite of audio enhancements – collectively known as dbx-tv® – lets TV sound live up to the picture. Our ground-breaking products, backed by extensive research and over 25 years of audio expertise, guarantee the best possible sound quality from your television set.

Total Sonics improves sound via digital audio processing tailored to a specific TV’s speakers and chassis. More…

Total Volume maintains even listening levels when switching channels, programs, or sources as well as within programs. More…

Total Surround envelops viewers in an immersive listening experience using the speakers built-in to the TV set. More…